Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sad , Nervous

I feel sad today and nervous. I feel sad because I'v started on a weight loss journey. It's been a week and a day and I'm coming up against some challenges. One of which is that my body is having trouble with the hunger associated with eating less. I end up eating more later in the day and going a bit over what I'm suppose to and then my body doesn't feel go. It seems a bit like a roller-coaster. I'm hoping to find my balance soon, but I know it's going to take some work. I want to commit to moving my body again, getting toned and getting my muscles stronger, but my food needs to settle down. I hope I can do that in the next week or so.

 The second part, why I'm nervous is because I have a phone interview tomorrow. I'm so exhausted of interviewing. I know I haven't done that many, but I'm just feeling confused and tired. I'm also feeling a bit said-how to tell my story this time, what should I act like, am I going to be too forward and the person won't like me, do I hold back a bit and risk coming off uninterested or unenthusiastic. Then comes the part of passing the phone screening, but then going in. Having them see me and decide, based on how I look, that I wouldn't be able to do the job. That hurts a lot. I'm not sure if it's a self fulfilling prophecy, or something with truth. I hope one day in my life I can get to the point where I won't have to think about that. I hope. But, with all this said, I'm going to wake up tomorrow and just do my best and let God do the rest.


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