Friday, April 27, 2012

Playing the Game

There's something about this world, about a culture, about a society, and about the self. There's two ways to live-one can either survive or one can flourish.

We all start with the notion and desire to want to flourish. Children, from infancy, want to love and be loved, they want to explore, they want to question, they want to try new things, they want to learn.

Children are energetic, give it their all and then take time to rest, to recharge. Children don't think of playing a game, at least not in the sense that I'm referring to here...maybe a little sand castling, but that's it. Children don't really think about what they should or not be doing.  How they are or should be acting. If someone likes them or doesn't like them. Children do not judge or worry about being judged by others. 

Children just are...

It's not until the world, culture, society, and eventually their self invade that things change. And they change in ways that aren't always positive. Ones upbringing is what determines how these four players can have an effect on a child, who eventually turns into me and you. If the world is seen as a scary and manipulative place, or if ones culture is something that one needs to be hide from, or if society is always out to get you, or if ones self turns on them...well then, one is left in a very deep, dark, uncontrolled, and lost space. 

And in order to survive one starts Playing the Game. 

This game is a means of getting through life. When one is playing the game they don't realize it. They look around at everyone else and convince themselves that they too are playing the game. Maybe some are.  

But not everyone is...

There's those. The actualized. Those who are flourishing or advancing in the world, their culture, society, and their self. Instead of just surviving. 

But, anyone can decide to stop Playing the Game. To become one of the minority who live life with more meaning, more passion, more emotion, more love, more satisfaction, more appreciation.

It's a choice to pull yourself out of the burning car and choose a new path that you decide the landscape of. 

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